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proven reserves中文是什么意思

用"proven reserves"造句"proven reserves"怎么读"proven reserves" in a sentence


  • 高级储量
  • 探明储量


  • Statistic model based on drill footage proved reserves and its application
  • The regulations of proved reserves calculation of petroleum the part of fractured oil and gas reservoir
  • It sells more than 2 . 5 million barrels a day and is believed to have about 10 percent of the world ' s proven reserves
    它每天出售250多万桶石油,据信约拥有世界已探明石油储量的10 。
  • Two relation models between the drill footage and proved reserves are introduced : gompertz model and exponential model
  • Ethiopia / ' s proven reserves of oil and gas are minimal but analysts believe there is potential , particularly for gas , in the ogaden
  • The world ' s proved reserves of oil and gas rose just 2 per cent to 257 . 7bn barrels , while production increased 1 per cent to just shy of 19bn barrels , the authors of the study , john s
    该研究的作者发现,全球已探明油气储量仅上升了2 % ,至2577亿桶,而产量增加了1 % ,接近190亿桶。
  • Companies also have a stake in exaggeration , as in the recent case of the royal / dutch shell group , which admitted that its “ proven reserves ” were 20 percent less than originally stated
    石油公司本身也参与这样的夸大行为,最近的例子是荷兰皇家壳牌石油集团承认其确定蕴藏量比当初宣称的数字少20 % 。
  • The municipality has 49 kinds of minerals with proved reserves and 218 mineral deposits , and the main minerals include coal , lead , zinc , copper , iron , tungsten , antimony , cement limestone and granite , of which 35 kinds rank top three and 23 kinds top one in the province
  • Up to 60 % ~ 70 % oil and gas proved reserves is in low permeability formation in recent exploration with 5000 x 1012m3of gas , and most of gas reserves are located in tarim and erdos basin , which are the main resource of " west gas to east " project . in order to meet the national energy strategy , the key issue is to develop the tight gas fields with high efficiency and profit
    在近几年探明的油气地质储量中,低渗透油气储量所占探明石油和天然气地质储量中的比例高达60 70以上,低渗气藏储量达到5000 10 ~ ( 12 ) m ~ 3 ,占总储量的20左右,且大部分低渗气藏储量都处在长庆和塔里木等西气东输的主战场,因此,就面临着如何高效开发低渗气藏的问题。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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